WILD, Textile Museum of Canada

WILD was a exhibition of five artists including Catherine Blackburn, Omar Badrin, Humboldt Magnussen, Carrie Allison and Emily Jan, curated by Farah Yusuf at the Textile Museum of Canada, October 2, 2019 – March 14, 2020.
The full installation of The World is Bound by Secret Knots appeared in the exhibition, as well as the new work mappaemundi : Newfoundland, 2020.
Installation view, Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto.
Photo credit: John Armstrong
Detail showing hand-painted border prepared by the artist.
Photo credit: Darren Rigo
Mixed media wall drawing. Found objects, gifted objects, and foraged inks (crowberry, blackcurrant, alder, partridgeberry).
Photo credit: John Armstrong
Mixed media wall drawing. Found objects, gifted objects, and foraged inks (crowberry, blackcurrant, alder, partridgeberry).
The objects were collected during hikes and shoreline exploration conducted by the artist during a one month residency at Union House Arts, in Port Union on the Bonavista Peninsula of Newfoundland.
Photo credit: Darren Rigo
Mixed media wall drawing. Found objects, gifted objects, and foraged inks (crowberry, blackcurrant, alder, partridgeberry).
Objects included raw sheep’s wool gifted by local farmer, Amanda Cull.
Photo credit: Darren Rigo
Mixed media wall drawing. Found objects, gifted objects, and foraged inks (crowberry, blackcurrant, alder, partridgeberry).
Jan foraged and brewed the natural inks used on the wall. They are created from crowberries, partridgeberries, and alder foraged on the peninsula, and from blackcurrants given to to her by fellow WILD artist Omar Badrin’s mother.
Photo credit: Darren Rigo
Mixed media wall drawing. Found objects, gifted objects, and foraged inks (crowberry, blackcurrant, alder, partridgeberry).
Objects included an antique linen doily gifted by local artist and guide Felicity Roberts. The doily belonged to her great aunt, and Roberts dyed it using lichen and knotweed dyes that she foraged.
Photo credit: Darren Rigo
Work in progress. Left: roughing in the layout using kraft paper templates. Right: the specimens on the worktable, before being installed on the wall.
Mixed media wall drawing. Found objects, gifted objects, and foraged inks (crowberry, blackcurrant, alder, partridgeberry).
Found mussel shells, found stone; needle-felted mussel shell replicas made of wool from the Cull and Ivany farms, Bonavista Peninsula, NL, dyed with crowberries; rockweed made from silk dyed with locally harvested goldenrod and alder. Needle felted stone.
Photo credit: Darren Rigo